CVL staff taking a photo in front of the NCVH Polaroid booth.
CVL staff taking a photo in front of the NCVH Polaroid booth.

Beyond the Booth: Leveraging In-Person Events for Sustainable B2B Growth 

by Katie Bergmann | June 10, 2024

At Marketri, we understand the importance of strategic event planning and leveraging conferences for sustainable growth. Events can be a key part of an organization’s marketing plan, whether their goal is to generate leads, raise brand awareness, or expand market reach.

Recently, I had the pleasure of not only planning a client’s event strategy but attending myself! Our client, a cardiovascular healthcare platform, was attending and exhibiting at the 2024 New Cardiovascular Horizons (NCVH) Conference, an annual event that brings together professionals and thought leaders in cardiovascular health.

Let’s explore how my experience at NCVH exemplified Marketri’s proven strategy for maximizing growth opportunities at events and ability to develop relationships as a trusted B2B marketing partner.

Leveraging Strategic Growth Potential at Conferences

When it comes to event participation, many growth-minded companies struggle to capitalize on the full potential of conferences. To ensure that our client maximized the opportunities at NCVH, we worked with our client leading up to the event to define the marketing goals and determine what would define success. They had attended NCVH many times before, but this was the first year they would have an exhibitor booth and a strategic marketing partner on their team.

Going Beyond the Booth

While we knew we needed to create a branded booth display and the typical giveaway items, we wanted to go beyond the basics and provide a memorable booth experience. In addition to a backdrop, podium, brochures, and tchotchkes like mint tins, pens, and notebooks, we also explored interactive activities like a custom coffee bar with branded cups and a full-service photo booth.

These options ultimately were out of our budget and space constraints, so we got creative with a Polaroid “photo booth”.

Attendees could snap a Polaroid while posing in front of the booth and holding a cardiology-themed prop. By placing a sticker with our client’s logo on the resulting printout, the attendees got a keepsake from the conference that reminded them of our brand.

To ensure our client’s team represented the company brand at NCVH, we developed a new line of branded apparel and accessories. We also created awards to recognize the executive team members for their dedication and hard work during the company’s first year. These branded items helped promote the company to other event attendees and foster camaraderie among the team members during the event.

Utilizing Conferences to Develop Lasting Relationships

One of Marketri’s core strengths is developing authentic and lasting relationships with clients and partners. At NCVH, our team focused on personal interactions, engaging with attendees to understand their unique challenges and growth objectives. This allowed us to showcase our value as a growth partner, not just another supporting vendor.

The experience was also a great reminder of the importance of in-person collaboration. Our virtual setup enables us to work with clients across the country and be more flexible and agile. But sometimes, nothing beats working in person.

Most of our client’s executive team attended NCVH, so I got to meet with them in person and get to know them more personally, allowing for deeper trust and better rapport. With their team all in one physical location, it also provided a great opportunity to capture video content.

Maximizing Team Presence for Lasting Content

Working with a videography team, we set up an interview room and pulled in as many team members as we could. We asked them questions about the company and its differentiators and strengths, envisioning that these videos could be used for a plethora of marketing initiatives in the months and years to come.

Many team members also presented in conference sessions, and by recording their presentations we captured enough content for at least the next three months of their content calendar.

Experiencing Customer Milestones

Finally, the conference marked the 25th anniversary of NCVH, founded in 1995 by Dr. Craig Walker. Dr. Walker’s vision, dedication, and leadership have been instrumental in shaping NCVH’s mission to improve cardiovascular health globally.

By attending NCVH 2024, I got to experience this impressive milestone and become more immersed in the cardiovascular health landscape, which will enable me to be a better marketing partner with our client going forward.

Seizing Growth Opportunities at Events with Marketri

Marketri’s success at NCVH demonstrates the power of strategic event management and B2B marketing in driving sustainable growth. By leveraging conferences as platforms for relationship-building and brand enhancement and being clear about event goals ahead of time, companies can make the most out of their presence at these events.

As you navigate your own growth journey, remember that every conference presents a unique opportunity to forge connections, showcase your brand, and accelerate growth. With Marketri by your side, you can confidently approach events with a strategic mindset and turn each interaction into a stepping stone toward sustained success.

To discover how Marketri can elevate your B2B marketing efforts and drive growth at conferences, schedule a consultation today.