What Makes Marketri Different?

by Debra Andrews | June 27, 2024

A Unique Approach to Outsource Marketing

“We are your in-house marketing department that happens to be outsourced.”

Marketri operates as an in-house marketing department but with the advantage of being an outsource marketing partner. Rather than providing a one-size-fits-all approach, we immerse ourselves in our clients’ business to thoroughly understand their business goals and objectives. 

We start by studying your industry, offerings, target customers, and aspirations. We don’t simply use marketing tactics and hope for the best results. Our team puts effort into understanding the core of every business, its objectives for growth, and how to map an effective marketing strategy to those aims. This enables us to offer seamless, dedicated service that feels like having an internal team.

“We’re not in the business of delivering marketing things. We’re in the business of driving results.”

At Marketri, our focus is on driving business growth for clients, not merely delivering marketing materials and tactics. Some agencies will execute standalone marketing projects without tying them to more significant business goals. They produce content, design, and advertising but don’t necessarily impact growth.

We take a different approach by developing integrated strategies to generate leads, boost revenue, and scale your company over time. Everything we do, from content to campaigns, is aligned with achieving your core objectives. We care about your end results, not just vanity metrics. Our passion lies in seeing your business thrive and growing alongside you. If you want more than just marketing but real business growth, Marketri has the strategic approach to make it happen.

The Right Programs for Your Needs

“We lead with strategy.”

We often see companies coming to us after trying various marketing tactics on their own without much strategy or focus. If marketing activities aren’t linked with cohesive objectives, they tend to be scattered and ineffective. Some common problems we see are undefined target audience/customer personas, messaging lacking differentiation from competitors, tactics chosen without aligning to the overall objectives, no way to track ROI or optimize spend, and initiatives launched without sufficient resources or commitment.

Random marketing feels busy but hardly drives growth in a systematic and predictable way. Companies spin their wheels and get frustrated because their efforts aren’t leading to real business impact. With a thoughtful plan, you can focus your budget and resources on the right activities that best reach and resonate with your audience.

At Marketri, having a strategy is the beginning. Execution is a core competency for us. This means implementing tactics on time, on budget, and with excellence. We have dedicated project managers who oversee each program, ensuring they stay on track. Our team has experience executing a wide range of marketing capabilities, from content marketing to PPC ads to email campaigns. 

We leverage best practices but also customize programs to fit each client’s needs.

“You have to have the strategy, you have to have the execution, you have to leverage data the optimization of those programs.”

In the dynamic marketing landscape, setting a program on autopilot only yields short-term success. That’s why we focus on continuously measuring and optimizing the strategies and programs we implement for our clients.

This agile approach means you don’t waste budget on ineffective tactics or miss new opportunities. With ongoing optimization, we keep your marketing strategy agile, flexible, and firmly rooted in delivering tangible long-term results. Data serves as our guiding compass in a sea of marketing tactics. It’s crucial to leverage data to determine where to allocate budget and resources. Marketri analyzes performance data to understand what’s working and what’s not and measure results across every marketing campaign and initiative.

This enables us to double down on high-performing platforms and campaigns while pivoting away from those not delivering results. We can see which messages resonate with your audience, which offers convert best, and which channels drive the most cost-effective results. We make sure to leverage the right technologies to enable effective marketing program measurement and optimization.

Making Your Marketing Investments Matter

“Make sure you’re not spending too much here or there, that you’re putting your money where it matters most.”

With the amount of data available today, it’s critical to have the right tools to analyze performance and make data-driven decisions. There are many agencies that talk about measurement but lack the capabilities to turn data into insights. By leveraging the right marketing automation, CRM, and analytics platforms, we provide clients with on-demand visibility into marketing performance. This enable us to optimize budgets and strategies based on real data, not guesswork. We pride ourselves on having the expertise to implement the reporting, analytics, and attribution modeling required in today’s data-driven, marketing landscape.

Crafting a solid strategy and executing it meticulously are essential, but what truly sets us apart is our ability to harness data and leverage technology for optimization. By using data to fine-tune our programs and implementing the right technologies for real-time analysis, we ensure that our clients’ investments are targeted where they’ll make the most significant impact. We aim to achieve smart allocation, making sure that every dollar counts towards driving meaningful results.

Schedule a call with Deb Andrews to learn how our outsource marketing model can support your organization.