Overgrowing the Garden: How AI Content Becomes Marketing’s Crab Grass and Why Authenticity is Your Weed Killer

by Debra Andrews | July 2, 2024

Ah, the world of content marketing – a landscape so vast and dynamic, it practically echoes the ecological marvels of our very own Mother Earth. Just when marketers thought they had it all figured out, along came generative AI, sprouting content left and right like, you guessed it, crab grass. Now, don’t get me wrong; I’m all for innovation and leveraging new technologies. But let’s take a pause and truly dissect what’s growing in our backyards.

You see, generative AI content is proliferating at an unprecedented rate. Everyone and their uncle can now generate content at the click of a button. Sound good? Well, not exactly. Like crab grass that hastily claims territory far and wide, AI-generated content is quickly filling up digital spaces. But here’s the kicker – it doesn’t quite have the magic to enchant Google’s discerning palate. That’s right, this ubiquitous content, much like our unwelcomed weed, lacks the unique flavor that makes it truly stand out.

A staggering 73% of marketing professionals have turned to generative AI for content creation, with ChatGPT being the Large Language Model (“LLM”) of choice for 55% of them, according to Lyn Wildwood. Yet, despite the surge in AI-produced text, these pieces often miss the mark on human creativity and connection with readers. They’re labeled as “robotic,” devoid of the nuanced personality that breathes life into words, crafting stories that resonate with human beings.

This relatively new phenomenon is known as the “beigeing of content.”

Imagine a world where AI-generated content feeds into itself, turning the vivid tapestry of online material into a bland, monotonous landscape. Sounds dreary, right? Generative AI tends to regurgitate the same old advice, masking the vibrant insights that could otherwise set content apart. And search engines, the vigilant gatekeepers of quality, are not amused. They seek uniqueness and therefore penalize content that floats in the sea of sameness.

To combat the creeping beige content, marketers and subject matter experts must embrace their humanity. Gone are the days when B2B stood for Boring to Boring. The generative AI invasion calls for a daring response: robust, opinionated, and emotionally charged content that tells a story, your story.

Here are some posts I wrote that stretched my imagination:

As we head further into AI adoption, I’m hearing a rallying cry for authenticity and innovation in a world littered with AI-generated crab grass. The key to captivating both your audience and Google lies in weaving compelling narratives that sparkle with originality and human insight. At the heart of great content lies the soulful dance of human creativity and connection.

As we navigate this challenging yet exciting new landscape, let’s grab our spades and cultivate gardens that bristle with life and color, not crab grass.

It’s time to redefine what it means to create content that not only ranks but resonates and inspires. Let’s embark on this journey together, tending to our gardens with care, creativity, and a touch of human magic.